Student interns welcome!

The Mississippi AFL-CIO is happy to announce a new Student Intern program inviting college students who are interested in obtaining community service credits by working with unions to sign up and spend some time with us!
Interns will be trained in community and labor organizing, voter mobilization, event management, and effective communication as part of a program to build power for working people right here in Mississippi. No experience is required. The MS AFL-CIO will provide comprehensive training for you to be successful. Participants will also receive Common Since Economics and voting rights education.
Sanchioni Butler, program coordinator, will be guiding student activities with the goal of providing a solid learning experience for students while also contributing important aid to the working community.
To sign up for this opportunity, click HERE. You'll be joining an effort guaranteed to bring a new awareness of the issues and opportunities facing Mississippians who are trying to make a difference for their families and their state.